Member Conduct Code

Fusion Fortress | Community rules

We aim for all members of the Fusion Fortress community to engage in gaming and conversations, with friends in an welcoming atmosphere and we are counting on your support to bring this vision to life.

These Community Rules apply to all users of Fusion Fortress games, services, and products. They explain how to interact with other community members. Below are some specific examples, but the rules aren't limited to them.

Adhering to the guidelines is straightforward; however failure to comply may result in repercussions such, as a prohibition, from participation.

Community Rules:
  • Its not allowed to share information, about users besides their display names; it's best to keep your own personal details private, for safety reasons.
  • Intolerance and Discrimination Policy, at Fusion Fortress dictates zero tolerance towards any expressions of hate or discrimination.
  • Kindly be considerate of users, in your interactions and gameplay to avoid any bullying or offensive conduct.
  • Do not try to act like someone such, as gamers or celebrities while playing at Fusion Fortress or interacting with its staff.
  • Playing fairly and abiding by the rules is important when it comes to gaming etiquette. Avoid cheating or trolling, by not using advantages or causing disruptions for others, in the game community.
  • Avoid participating in activities that are deemed illegal or risky in nature.
  • Content Guidelines Reminder; At Fusion Fortress we aim to create an uplifting environment through all content and interactions, on our platform.
  • Each breach of the rules is considered separately to determine the consequences.
  • If you come across a player breaking the Community Rules or Content Requirements in the game world. Feel free to report them!
  • Be mindful of keeping your information safe and secure.

  • This is not the final version of the Fusion Fortress Community Rules. Keep an eye on changes. After all, we gathered together to have fun playing games!